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Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.

Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.

An editor may reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.

    • Research Articles (full papers)
    • Short Original Communications and Discussion Articles
    • Review Articles
    • Research Communications

Please ensure that the length of your paper is in harmony with your research area and with the science presented.

All papers are subject to peer review by a minimum of two and a maximum of three experts.

While submitting your paper you will be asked for three potential reviewers. Indicating three reviewers is mandatory.

  • To authors from non-English language countries: To have the best readability, our language editors will provide a native speaker proofreading service without charging an additional fee. Your manuscripts will be proofread by our team upon acceptance for publication.

The title of a manuscript should be concise, descriptive, and preferably not exceeding 15 words. The manuscript must include an abstract, describing its main points within 150 - 250 words in the English language.

In general, the contents should comprise of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment and References.   The manuscript should be supplied with 3-5 keywords.

All illustrations including figures, charts and graphs, must be labelled and supplied on pages separate from the text. The desired placement in the text should be clearly indicated. These illustrations should be referred to and numbered consequently, as figures. All illustrations should be clearly drawn in permanent ink or photographed in sharp black and white and reproduced in the form of high-contrast glossy prints or digital images and provided in camera-ready form.

References in the text should be denoted by giving the name(s) of the author(s).  All alphabetically ordered references list should be included at the end of the manuscript.  All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information in the reference. Manuscripts must conform to the references in Penerbit UKM style or the Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press). The references style adopted should be consistent throughout the manuscript.


It is the author's responsibility to ensure that his or her submitted work does not infringe any existing copyright. Authors should obtain permission to reproduce or adapt copyrighted material and provide evidence of approval upon submitting the final version of a manuscript.


Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and at least one independent referee. Decisions regarding the publication of a manuscript will be based on the Board's recommendations. The manuscript will be evaluated based on its appropriateness for IJEFScontribution to the discipline, cogency of analysis, conceptual breadth, clarity of presentation and technical adequacy.  Manuscripts submitted by members of the journal's Editorial Board are subjected to the same review procedure.


One set of proofs will be sent to the author(s) to be checked for printer's errors and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to submit corrections to the Editorial Board.

Paper Length and Page Charges

While there are no specific word limits, papers must be concise and well-written. Longer papers may be considered if the information justifies the length.

There are no page charges to publish in this journal under the normal publication process (whereby an article is submitted to the journal and access to that article is granted to customers who have purchased a subscription).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.